March 4, 2007                                                                                                                                            
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Laura looked at the date and said, "Hey, it's March Forth"  Hmmm.  At any rate, I was busy today compiling a list of everything
that I've accomplished during the last six months that I've lived in Ukraine.  Why?  It's employee evaluation time and I want to
make sure that my boss doesn't forget anything (or, in other words, my boss has already forgotten everything, so I have to
remind him about what I've done!  This is a picture of the file I've kept.  Every time I've done anything noteworthy I've made a
copy of it and stuck it in here.  The summary was 4 pages long.  i hope that gives my boss enough fodder to work with.
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March 5th, 2007
March 3rd, 2007
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Canon EOS 30D :)
F 6.3 - 1/15 second
ISO 1600