March 16, 2007                                                                                                                                          
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We got this cute pair of leather shoes for Chester, but they got really dirty when we were in Spain.  Laura read somewhere
that you can wash them.  Wash them, yes.  Dry them, no.  They shrunk really bad.  You can kinda tell in this picture, but trust
me, they're small.

In other news, I backdated the photo-a-days that I could today.  My camera bag was stolen (my camera was around my neck,
thank goodness), so there are a couple of days that I used a disposable camera.  We'll have to wait until we get the pictures
back to completely finish backdating.  I am hoping to get fullblown pages of Spain up this weekend.
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March 17th, 2007
March 15th, 2007
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Canon EOS 30D
F 9 - 1/100 second
ISO 1000