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December 22, 2008
December 21, 2008                                                                                                                                              
December 20, 2008
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This week has been insanely busy as Laura and I have been up quite late every night so that we can finish our annual chocolates.  
But, they are done, and we've been able to have a pretty relaxing weekend, all told.  But, it's also why I haven't updated in a week
and you've had to look at the geeky picture of me talking on the phone to my sis for awhile.  Hopefully the one of Audrey will be
much more pleasing to the eye (although she is making a funky face...  There was some reason behind it, I just don't remember
what).  Today also marks the shortest day of the year.  I took the pictures of the tree at Sunrise (8:44 a.m.) and Sunset (2:48 p.m.)
just for kicks.  Doing the math, that is just 6 hours and 4 minutes.  I can't wait for Midsummer...
Canon EOS 30D
F 2.8 - 1/100 seconds
ISO 1600