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December 23, 2008
December 22, 2008                                                                                                                                              
December 21, 2008
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The picture below requires a little explanation.  Today we had a bunch of our Swedish friends over for a little Christmas sing-along,
donuts and hot chocolate (yes, as if all that candy we've made recently wasn't enough, Laura did make 80 donuts and a vat of hot
chocolate today...  I'm trying to stay on my diet, but it's not working very well :)  At any rate, after we sang some American Christmas
songs, the Swedes told us about the tradition of dancing through the house in a line singing "Nu är det jul igen" (Christmas is here
again), and to prove that they really did it, we got up and did it.  This was the only semi-decent pic I got of the event, but we danced
upstairs and down, singing gaily all the while.  There's a senior couple serving in our ward (congregation) that are fun to have over,
because that way Audrey and Chester get a little grandparent experience.  Elder Lewis is reading the Happy Hockey Family to
Audrey.  I love that book.  The last pic is my friend Christofer playing the guitar.  My batteries had died on my flash by that point, so I
decided that the graininess would look better in black and white.
Canon EOS 30D
F 2.8 - 1/20 seconds
ISO 1600